Sunday, November 27, 2005


I started thinking about the subject of blessings recently, and rather than waste the thought, I thought I'd write about it instead. I looked up the origination of 'God Bless you' after a sneeze. Apparently, that was started as a blessing during the plague in the 500's. People were instructed to pray for God's healing and intercession. When someone sneezed, they were immediately prayed for, in hopes the person would not develop the plague themselves.
I find it amazing that simple prayer has lasted thousands of years. Oh sure, sometimes you catch the 'God' being left off, but what else is new? The point is, somewhere, somehow; we still believe in the blessing.
The concept of blessing is not the same for everyone. Webster's writes that it is 'the divine favor or invocation of it.' Perhaps that's why to someone in North Korea, where the persecution of Christians is the highest in the world, it could mean another day of life. Here in America it could mean a prime parking space. I realize that sounds harsh. But it's just fact that life here isn't as hard here. It also fact that people perceive blessings to be anything at all that makes their day or their life better. If you couldn't even be sure you would make it through the day without being killed, where would your priorities be?
Anyhow, that's not the point.

The point it, what's a blessing, and who is it for?
Sure, we're His children and it brings Him joy to bless us. Right? But in the long run, our blessings should serve Him. In Ezekiel, the Lord promises that one day this life full of struggle and tears will all be over and blessings will fall like rain. That's the blessing at the end of the race. What happens until then?
The Lord blessed me by delivering me from drug abuse, restoring my marriage and most importantly, restoring me as a child of His. That sounds good, but it can't be the end. The only true blessing to me is the one that James speaks of. 'Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial.' James 1.12 If I don't redeem God's blessing into a life of service for the Kingdom, was it a blessing at all? If I lose focus on the One who gave His life for me, if I don't bother with the ones who don't know Him yet, then haven't I extorted it? I've deceived myself into thinking I deserved a blessing, or earned it somehow. A blessing must be returned to the One who gave it in order to be a blessing.
Sure, that's done by thanking Him and praising Him. But that's not all either. Throughout each day on earth, we are meant to stand up and persevere with faith, everyday, until the end. Stand up and be counted. Whatever the trial, whatever the lesson to be learned. That's the blessing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really needed to see that today. Its so easy to take things for granted.