Tuesday, January 04, 2011


1. to see (something unclear or distant) by looking carefully; discern; espy:
2. to discover; perceive; detect.

New Year’s resolutions always seem to be a big deal. The newspapers and websites make lists of top resolutions on people’s lists and they broadcast them nice and large for the first week or so of a new year.

I think they do it partly because it’s interesting reading, but perhaps they also post all of this information to make a person feel obligated to make a resolution of their own.

The stores get in on it too. Of course one of the top resolutions every year is to lose weight or get in shape. So, head to your local store and you will find the diet pill, weight-loss shakes and exercise balls all front and center.

Where are the resolutions to discover more about Jesus in the upcoming year? Where are people resolving to know more about the faith they claim to profess? Why aren’t the front of stores full of bibles and devotionals?

The closest the lists seem to get to things that focus on the eternal are: ‘Enjoy life to the fullest.’ ‘Learn something exciting.’ ‘Helping others in their dreams.’ And my favorite, ‘Fall in love.’ If you focus these kinds of resolutions on Jesus, then they can do mighty things for our spirit.

According to studies, 46% of people manage to keep their resolutions six months or more. Those are better odds than I imagined them to be. The studies conclude that the easiest way to maintain a resolution is to want to do what you say you want to do.

So, for me this year it comes down to two things; devote myself to decrying Jesus and the things He cares about, and write more.

It should be obvious that I haven’t written in a year. It started out that I just became too busy and couldn’t find the time to sit down for an hour and write out my thoughts. Then a good old-fashioned case of writer’s block set in. I had the usual symptoms; an enormous white screen staring at me, cursor blinking incessantly in front of me, and either too many words or no words at all wanting to come out.

Now, with a friend’s urging, and a lot of conviction, I have decided to start writing again this year. Words have always thrilled and excited me; and it’s time I got back to using them the way I do best.

This, however, is my first attempt in a long while. So forgive me if this seems choppy or disjointed. A good writer will admit when she's nervous and ask forgiveness in advance. I will write because it gives me joy and I will write because I love Jesus.

So I will write tonight and I will try and descry Jesus on these pages, both for myself and you if you will read this.

I haven't been entirely lazy the past year. I’ve spent a lot of time being a mother and a wife and working with the teenagers that I devote much of my life to. I rejoice with them when they're happy, I cry with them when they're grieved, and throughout everything I tell them about Jesus.

Working with teenagers isn't easy. Especially the teenagers I work with. It's safe to say that many of these girls haven't had easy lives. It really is true that the sins can follow to the third and fourth generations. Very easy for the girls I work with to resign themselves to repeat the lives they know.

So my job is to help them escape the cycle and find out that there's really another way. I started with the basics. In the beginning we looked up Bible verses that pertain to a certain topic and we would discuss together what those verses meant. I wanted to get them used to handling a bible and realizing that it’s not as intimidating as it seems to be. I promised them that no one would ever laugh at their answers, and that the only completely wrong answer would be no answer at all.

After doing that for a while, we moved on to the book of John. We tackled the whole book together, and they started to understand how to read scripture, how to dig into the meaning of verses and chapters, and how to apply the words to their own lives.

I watched as these girls started to understand the bible more and more as we went on. Of course they don’t understand every word, but then again, who does? They started getting braver and answering the questions I gave them with their thoughts, rather than the thoughts they assumed I would want to hear. Then the girls started applying verses to other applications; my chapels, or conversations we were having. They became more and more confident in their abilities and relying on truths they had learned.

Because this is their Senior year, I prayed about the direction God wanted me to go in; what I could leave them with as they went on their way into the world. One girl in particular would probably be going to Afghanistan in just a matter of time, so I really wanted to make sure I stocked their minds and hearts with the Word that would sustain them even in the toughest days.

I settled on the idea of love. God’s amazing love for his children. God’s love for us when we don’t deserve it, God’s passion to hold us throughout all of our days. Love that means that when we give our life to Him, he will always be there.

Doctrine is not something that they can really design to comprehend quite yet. Despite that, I’m continually surprised at how much they really get already. I think it’s easier when the bible isn’t constantly viewed through a certain denomination or doctrinal squabble. It’s different when the bible is viewed through the lens of someone who has had a tough life, assuming there is nothing out there, only to find out that there is someone waiting at the end of the mess who loves them so passionately.

So, I have been focusing on love. When they get to college, or start working, or serve their country, they will find a church and a group of people to study the word with, and there they can learn more meat about the Word. Until then, I felt it was necessary for them to realize that God loves them unconditionally.

Wrapped up in that love is His desire that we live like His children, that they try to live like the saints they are called to be, and that they follow the words given to them.

That won’t always be easy for them. They are immersed in a culture that wants nothing to do with humility, sacrifice or undeserved love.

I know this because I make it a practice to see for myself what goes on around teenagers. I know the popular music and the popular shows they watch. I do this for my own knowledge on what I need to combat. I want to know what is going into their impressionable ears so I can counteract it God’s truth.

What are they hearing? “We’ll be young forever,” “Looking sick and sexified,” “I love the way you lie.” Now if you’re anything like me you’re thinking, ‘Those lyrics aren’t anything new. Suggestive and deceiving music has been around for decades.’ True, but coming from someone (me) who used to listen to some nasty stuff, the music today takes things to a completely new level. Nothing is hidden; nothing is even veiled any more. Sex, having absolutely nothing to do with love, is all out there on the table. And so is the idea that living for today is the only thing that matters. These two ideas combined together make a deadly combination. And it’s almost all you can find to listen to on radio stations that cater to teenagers and young adults.

So what can a person do to help a misguided teen descry Jesus? Give them the truth of His love; His real, unchanging, unending, unconditional love. Jesus’ love is one that never requires them to strip away their morals, their wholeness, or their self-respect in return for a pittance of affection.

“Good is missing in action. Anyone renouncing evil is beaten and robbed. God looked and saw evil looming on the horizon - so much evil and no sign of Justice. He couldn't believe what he saw: not a soul around to correct this awful situation. So he did it himself, took on the work of Salvation, fueled by his own Righteousness. He dressed in Righteousness, put it on like a suit of armor, with Salvation on his head like a helmet, Put on Judgment like an overcoat, and threw a cloak of Passion across his shoulders.” – Isaiah 59:15-17

“I gave them your word; The godless world hated them because of it, Because they didn't join the world's ways, Just as I didn't join the world's ways. I'm not asking that you take them out of the world But that you guard them from the Evil One. They are no more defined by the world Than I am defined by the world. Make them holy - consecrated - with the truth; Your word is consecrating truth.” – John 17:14-17

“So, whatever you do, don't go to sleep at the switch. Pray constantly that you will have the strength and wits to make it through everything that's coming and end up on your feet before the Son of Man.” - Luke 21:36

My strongest desire for these teens? That they descry the truth and love of Jesus Christ through the wily pull of the world trying to tug them down again. Praise God for the victory!