I want to stay away from politics on this blog. I don't want things that distract from the essential messages in the bible. I want to stay away from the hot points in the news that come and go. God's message is timeless, and that is where I want to be.
That being said, I am however compelled to write about Hurricane Katrina. You can't escape coverage on the nightly news, both local and world. This is bigger than a story that comes and goes in a week. This will be with us for a long time.
The book of Jeremiah in the bible accounts the reasons that Israel is going through horrible times. God tells the people outright that He is punishing them for a number of things including worshipping false gods.
That is not where I want to go with this tonight. I am not God, and I am not a prophet like Jeremiah was. I have been given no message from the Lord indicating that the hurricane was an indictment from Him for sins of the people. I also won't believe it if I see anyone else proclaim that message.
So then, why did this happen? Or, more accurately, why did God allow this to happen? Well, I'm not a theologian, but I'll tell you what I believe.
God created a perfect world. No sin, not even any rain. Then that whole thing happened with the apple in the garden. That changed everything. Now, sin reigns on the earth. Is God in ultimate control of everything? Of course He is. But humans started out on earth as immortal. Now, unless you make a choice, you have no chance of eternal life.
So, to sum up the last paragraph, events happen. Funny though, what makes news.
"And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all you mind, and with all your strength. The second is this, You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these." Mark 12.30-31
When I watch the news coverage about the hurricane, I pray. A lot. For the people who have lost everything, for the missing families, for the rescue people. I pray that the looting and the police efforts don't get too violent. But the other part of the news coverage really makes me notice something.
The things that really make the great stories with the high ratings are the stories of the ordinary heroes. Of the men and women who put their own lives and safety on the line to help another. Of the people who unconsciously act in the face of danger. There are whole segments dedicated to these people. Of course it is a wonderful thing that these people do, I could never deny that. But take another look at those words above that are in red. That is Jesus' answer when asked what commandment is the greatest. Which means that in His eyes, those stories should be commonplace, right? In Jesus' eyes, our neighbors are everyone around us.
My point is simply this: the last few days I have had a hard time living life as usual. I look around at my house, husband and children, and I feel like I have too much. This isn't the first time this has happened to me either. The famine in Niger causes me much sorrow. Our family is doing one of those World Vision adoption of a child there. If my husband wouldn't stop me, I would drive down to the coastal area and start helping somewhere. But I can find something to do. When something is wrong in my life, my first response should be prayer. I go to the great I AM, my Father, for help. I cry to Him about my situation, and cry and plead to Him for assistance. So, if I am to treat my neighbor as myself, then I pray for the hurricane victims. Then, I should make sure there are some sort of resources of my hand that goes to them. If I have money, that's what I give. If I don't, then I give of my time, or my service.
Those stories on the news are news because they make people feel good, and I think, they let some people off the hook. They are designed to make you feel good, and thus be reassured that there are people in a crisis to solve problems.
Jesus, however, expects more. Think about it...
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
There are times that I think this whole thing is a crazy fantasy. Am I delusional; convincing myself that there's a God and He cares about me? I have read that children who come from dysfunctional homes (wow, that could be a lot of us) have trouble establishing Christian roots. Our roots will attempt to reach for living water, but when we bump into a 'rock,' we recoil. Recoil, I suppose from fear, from the unknown, from desertion.
As one would imagine, that fear can make our relationship with God struggle. I like to use the messed-up analogy of a 'magic-trick' God. If I perform correctly, of if I don't sin (ha) then He will smile down upon me and grant my wishes and desires.
My personal habit is to have a fight with my husband, or start feeling a little inferior, and stomp away from God like an insolent school girl. Depending on the severity of God's alleged wrongdoing, my pout can last from a day to two weeks. Then, I reach my breaking point, where I realize that He's the only one who can truly save me, and I'm back on my knees, reaching upward like a wayward daughter begging for forgiveness. Of course, the truth is, one apology and all is forgiven. That's the beauty of having God as my Father.
This is an old story of struggling with faith, I know. However, for the person who has yet to reach for and accept a relationship with God, this can seem like an insurmountable task. For the independent types who don't want to fellowship with other people, who can they talk to? Establishing trust and dependence is getting harder and harder in this dog eat dog world.
In Jeremiah 17.9, God asks, "The heart is more deceitful than all else And is desperately sick; Who can understand it?" To that I say Amen! I have a deceitful heart, and I know that now.
Only God knows my heart. Only when I rely on Him can I find true peace, regardless of the circumstances. Life doesn't become rosy and trouble-free for the saved, it just gets a dramatic facelift. Instead of looking at life with all its ups and downs alone and head on, we look up to the heavens, and He gives us the strength, love and encouragement to get through life.
I don't have to feel anything, I just have to go through life knowing that God has my back. We humans have a habit of living life through our feelings. If you need an example, look at your local liquor store, the meth labs that are taking over America, or the television. If it feels good, do it, right? Well, no actually. Who gave us the right to run rampant doing whatever we feel like? If that's the way you live, that's cool. I just wonder how long the rollercoaster ride will last before you want to get off. I needed to get off when the hangovers outweighed the good times.
Enough with the lecture. I'll let God answer His own question, from Jeremiah 17.10, "I, the Lord, search the heart, I test the mind, Even to give each man according to his ways, According to the results of his deeds."
So, to hear God tell it, He knows our hearts. He's the one who understands our motives, desires, and grieves. He tells us that if we seek Him first, and do things His way, than we will be rewarded. Maybe not here, not now. But I know I need to trust Him and keep my eyes focused on Him. My heart will follow. Think about it.
There are times that I think this whole thing is a crazy fantasy. Am I delusional; convincing myself that there's a God and He cares about me? I have read that children who come from dysfunctional homes (wow, that could be a lot of us) have trouble establishing Christian roots. Our roots will attempt to reach for living water, but when we bump into a 'rock,' we recoil. Recoil, I suppose from fear, from the unknown, from desertion.
As one would imagine, that fear can make our relationship with God struggle. I like to use the messed-up analogy of a 'magic-trick' God. If I perform correctly, of if I don't sin (ha) then He will smile down upon me and grant my wishes and desires.
My personal habit is to have a fight with my husband, or start feeling a little inferior, and stomp away from God like an insolent school girl. Depending on the severity of God's alleged wrongdoing, my pout can last from a day to two weeks. Then, I reach my breaking point, where I realize that He's the only one who can truly save me, and I'm back on my knees, reaching upward like a wayward daughter begging for forgiveness. Of course, the truth is, one apology and all is forgiven. That's the beauty of having God as my Father.
This is an old story of struggling with faith, I know. However, for the person who has yet to reach for and accept a relationship with God, this can seem like an insurmountable task. For the independent types who don't want to fellowship with other people, who can they talk to? Establishing trust and dependence is getting harder and harder in this dog eat dog world.
In Jeremiah 17.9, God asks, "The heart is more deceitful than all else And is desperately sick; Who can understand it?" To that I say Amen! I have a deceitful heart, and I know that now.
Only God knows my heart. Only when I rely on Him can I find true peace, regardless of the circumstances. Life doesn't become rosy and trouble-free for the saved, it just gets a dramatic facelift. Instead of looking at life with all its ups and downs alone and head on, we look up to the heavens, and He gives us the strength, love and encouragement to get through life.
I don't have to feel anything, I just have to go through life knowing that God has my back. We humans have a habit of living life through our feelings. If you need an example, look at your local liquor store, the meth labs that are taking over America, or the television. If it feels good, do it, right? Well, no actually. Who gave us the right to run rampant doing whatever we feel like? If that's the way you live, that's cool. I just wonder how long the rollercoaster ride will last before you want to get off. I needed to get off when the hangovers outweighed the good times.
Enough with the lecture. I'll let God answer His own question, from Jeremiah 17.10, "I, the Lord, search the heart, I test the mind, Even to give each man according to his ways, According to the results of his deeds."
So, to hear God tell it, He knows our hearts. He's the one who understands our motives, desires, and grieves. He tells us that if we seek Him first, and do things His way, than we will be rewarded. Maybe not here, not now. But I know I need to trust Him and keep my eyes focused on Him. My heart will follow. Think about it.
Monday, August 29, 2005
I like my name. I grew up in a very large city, and my ethnicity was something I carried as a banner to proclaim who I was. My maiden name was of a Mexican origin, and I was very proud of it. When I moved to Minnesota, I was still proud of it, however, most people had a hard time pronouncing it. I never planned to change my name. I used my race to explain my anger, my defensiveness.
But then, things changed, as both my fiance and my two children had a different last name than me, and I felt like I had to explain something to everyone. I felt like an outsider.
Now I'm married, and the first time I heard someone call me 'Mrs. XXXXX,' I had to stop and think about it. About how far Mr. XXXXX and I had come, and how blessed I am that he stayed with me through it all. I realized that I was clinging to the wrong name for so long because of fear. Now I have the right name, and a new outlook on life.
When I first became the Lord's, I knew I had some baggage that shouldn't be coming with on the journey any longer, so I starting seeing a Christian counselor. He was a great counselor, and he helped me to forgive myself and others, and begin down the road of forgiveness. However, he suggested that I start picturing God as my father. For me, and I suspect many, this is a bad choice. I haven't seen my father since I was eight. Fathers just don't have the same reputation that they once had. So, once that association was in my head, I had a tough time disassociating God from my earthly father. I pictured a God that was a violent, punishing god. He would be there for me sometimes, and not be there others.
My counselor made one more mistake. Not knowing my past, he also suggested when things got tough, many people like to picture God holding them on His lap. Since I had been sexually abused as a young teen, that image did all kinds of poor things for God.
None of this was the counselor's fault. These images work for some; but for others, it does not.
But take a look at that list of names. When I saw that list the first time, three of these became my favorite, and they draw me so close to God, that I can cling to Him and worship Him. I am, Ancient of Days, and the Alpha and the Omega. Those names are so packed with power and awesomeness. They command reverence and sovereignty. Those are names that signify my God. Who else can call themselves 'I AM' and need no other explaination? Or try and wrap your mind around 'Ancient of Days.' I love that one because it is so timeless. God cannot be captured in time. He does not have an age. Finally, picture 'The Alpha and the Omega.' The beginning and the ending of all things. They take my breath away.
So, if you cannot connect with God because of some reason or another, or if you have been rejecting Him, try to see Him in a different light. Look at Him through one of those names and just take the time to picture it in your mind. He's worth that, isn't He? We try and picture different races and put ourselves in their shoes in order to show tolerance and to seek understanding. Give God the same consideration. Look at how many different things He can be for you. He truly is your All in All.
Think about it...
I like my name. I grew up in a very large city, and my ethnicity was something I carried as a banner to proclaim who I was. My maiden name was of a Mexican origin, and I was very proud of it. When I moved to Minnesota, I was still proud of it, however, most people had a hard time pronouncing it. I never planned to change my name. I used my race to explain my anger, my defensiveness.
But then, things changed, as both my fiance and my two children had a different last name than me, and I felt like I had to explain something to everyone. I felt like an outsider.
Now I'm married, and the first time I heard someone call me 'Mrs. XXXXX,' I had to stop and think about it. About how far Mr. XXXXX and I had come, and how blessed I am that he stayed with me through it all. I realized that I was clinging to the wrong name for so long because of fear. Now I have the right name, and a new outlook on life.
When I first became the Lord's, I knew I had some baggage that shouldn't be coming with on the journey any longer, so I starting seeing a Christian counselor. He was a great counselor, and he helped me to forgive myself and others, and begin down the road of forgiveness. However, he suggested that I start picturing God as my father. For me, and I suspect many, this is a bad choice. I haven't seen my father since I was eight. Fathers just don't have the same reputation that they once had. So, once that association was in my head, I had a tough time disassociating God from my earthly father. I pictured a God that was a violent, punishing god. He would be there for me sometimes, and not be there others.
My counselor made one more mistake. Not knowing my past, he also suggested when things got tough, many people like to picture God holding them on His lap. Since I had been sexually abused as a young teen, that image did all kinds of poor things for God.
None of this was the counselor's fault. These images work for some; but for others, it does not.
But take a look at that list of names. When I saw that list the first time, three of these became my favorite, and they draw me so close to God, that I can cling to Him and worship Him. I am, Ancient of Days, and the Alpha and the Omega. Those names are so packed with power and awesomeness. They command reverence and sovereignty. Those are names that signify my God. Who else can call themselves 'I AM' and need no other explaination? Or try and wrap your mind around 'Ancient of Days.' I love that one because it is so timeless. God cannot be captured in time. He does not have an age. Finally, picture 'The Alpha and the Omega.' The beginning and the ending of all things. They take my breath away.
So, if you cannot connect with God because of some reason or another, or if you have been rejecting Him, try to see Him in a different light. Look at Him through one of those names and just take the time to picture it in your mind. He's worth that, isn't He? We try and picture different races and put ourselves in their shoes in order to show tolerance and to seek understanding. Give God the same consideration. Look at how many different things He can be for you. He truly is your All in All.
Think about it...
Sunday, August 28, 2005
I had another topic lined up for tonight. It was a good one, I'll tell you that much. However, due to my happenstance watching of the Simpsons Sunday night, your regularly scheduled topic has been preempted by a new one.
I never watch the Simpsons anymore. It's not particularly because I am above watching it, but because I stopped watching television a while back. It was one of many addictions I had to break.
Regardless, this particular episode was a spoof on a popular Christian movie and book series titled 'Left Behind.' I'm sure most have heard about it. It's about that strange Christian belief called the Rapture. What's that, you say? Well, there are many Christian camps that believe believers will be brought up to heaven before the end of the world begins. After the Christians are delivered, all hell breaks loose.
Well, the Simpsons did a great parody of an outsider's view of Christianity; our observable and often supported beliefs of the types of people that will be Left Behind. There were technology and science supporters, homosexuals and what I like to call the 'good more than bad' people, or the karma types. Homer did a good impersonation of a doomsayer with a sandwich board.
I'm sad that I didn't catch the end. I had to turn it off because my children were trying to watch, and I didn't have a good explanation as to why they were mocking believers like us.
I was mad, but I'm not anymore. I removed myself from the basic Christian message, especially about the end-times, and I could see why there would be a sense of craziness about the whole affair.
See-Christianity is made up of regular people, same stuff as anyone else. Oh sure, God does more than His share of clean-up work, but He doesn't change what we're essentially made of. We were liars, thieves, murders, cheaters and other assorted sin-like things. Difference is, we were 'saved' and 'delivered.' We still bring the rest of our lives with us. It really boils down to a life time of change, and all of it hinges on a relationship with Jesus.
So, do some of us come across as 'holier than thou?' You bet. But I don't think it started out as intentional on anyone's part. Take me for example: I was a crack head ten years ago. I was delivered from death by Jesus. No other reason. It was not luck, or karma, or science. So, what do I do next? I tell everyone I know about this great man I know and that you should get to know Him too! If I can remain humble, it stays there. Trouble is, some of us forget who we were, and can't for the life of us understand why everyone can't see the truth. Silly, isn't it?
Which takes me back to the whole human thing. The Simpsons episode portrayed us as superior people who have an absolutely silly story. I can see that. The Bible doesn't make a lot of sense if you don't happen to believe in the One who wrote that.
In Jeremiah 33.3, God is talking to the Israelites. If you remember from yesterday, they're the ones who were delivered from slavery and then decided to turn their back on God. Well, throughout this book, He is hurt, and mad and torn up by their rejection, and He goes back and forth from wanting to make them all go away and wanting their love back. If you've ever been cheated on, you know how God was feeling. In a tiny, human kind of way. Anyway, in this verse He say, "Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things which you do not know."
Christians distort and bring humanity to the message of the Bible, not God. He is the one to focus on, not us. Sure, we have some truth, but humans will always disappoint if you wait long enough. He does not.
Think about it.
I had another topic lined up for tonight. It was a good one, I'll tell you that much. However, due to my happenstance watching of the Simpsons Sunday night, your regularly scheduled topic has been preempted by a new one.
I never watch the Simpsons anymore. It's not particularly because I am above watching it, but because I stopped watching television a while back. It was one of many addictions I had to break.
Regardless, this particular episode was a spoof on a popular Christian movie and book series titled 'Left Behind.' I'm sure most have heard about it. It's about that strange Christian belief called the Rapture. What's that, you say? Well, there are many Christian camps that believe believers will be brought up to heaven before the end of the world begins. After the Christians are delivered, all hell breaks loose.
Well, the Simpsons did a great parody of an outsider's view of Christianity; our observable and often supported beliefs of the types of people that will be Left Behind. There were technology and science supporters, homosexuals and what I like to call the 'good more than bad' people, or the karma types. Homer did a good impersonation of a doomsayer with a sandwich board.
I'm sad that I didn't catch the end. I had to turn it off because my children were trying to watch, and I didn't have a good explanation as to why they were mocking believers like us.
I was mad, but I'm not anymore. I removed myself from the basic Christian message, especially about the end-times, and I could see why there would be a sense of craziness about the whole affair.
See-Christianity is made up of regular people, same stuff as anyone else. Oh sure, God does more than His share of clean-up work, but He doesn't change what we're essentially made of. We were liars, thieves, murders, cheaters and other assorted sin-like things. Difference is, we were 'saved' and 'delivered.' We still bring the rest of our lives with us. It really boils down to a life time of change, and all of it hinges on a relationship with Jesus.
So, do some of us come across as 'holier than thou?' You bet. But I don't think it started out as intentional on anyone's part. Take me for example: I was a crack head ten years ago. I was delivered from death by Jesus. No other reason. It was not luck, or karma, or science. So, what do I do next? I tell everyone I know about this great man I know and that you should get to know Him too! If I can remain humble, it stays there. Trouble is, some of us forget who we were, and can't for the life of us understand why everyone can't see the truth. Silly, isn't it?
Which takes me back to the whole human thing. The Simpsons episode portrayed us as superior people who have an absolutely silly story. I can see that. The Bible doesn't make a lot of sense if you don't happen to believe in the One who wrote that.
In Jeremiah 33.3, God is talking to the Israelites. If you remember from yesterday, they're the ones who were delivered from slavery and then decided to turn their back on God. Well, throughout this book, He is hurt, and mad and torn up by their rejection, and He goes back and forth from wanting to make them all go away and wanting their love back. If you've ever been cheated on, you know how God was feeling. In a tiny, human kind of way. Anyway, in this verse He say, "Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things which you do not know."
Christians distort and bring humanity to the message of the Bible, not God. He is the one to focus on, not us. Sure, we have some truth, but humans will always disappoint if you wait long enough. He does not.
Think about it.
Saturday, August 27, 2005
I just graduated from college with my Bachelor's degree in Christian Ministry. There's something to be said of that statement. I went into college not knowing a thing about God, much less His Son. I came to faith, was "born-again," and celebrated by going to a bar. I wasn't actually celebrating, I didn't even know what had happened.
Nevertheless, I found myself talking to an admissions counselor at a Christian College. Found them on the internet. She asked me what degree I would be pursuing, and when I said 'Christian Ministry,' she took a moment to recover. I can only assume that she was taken aback by my cigarette-laden smell and my revealing hemlines. Regardless, I could only be quietly assured that I was meant to be there by the strange sense of peace I could feel inside of me. I must mention for credibility sake, that I talked about going back to college for seven years with my fiance, so this take was met with much apprehension.
Anyhow, the next two years were a lifesaver. Had I not been there, I don't know if I would have made it in this 'Christian journey.' I was inundated with constant support, constant focus on God, and constant focus on who I was in Christ. I was more than mildly shocked when my testimony (I didn't even know what that was) was met with love and encouragement. That was not the real world. My real world was a dog eat dog and laugh about it later mentality.
Enough of the past for now. My sole point in bringing up the ol' college days is that, now that it's over, I'm bummed. Way bummed to be truthful. It is so easy to get caught back up in the 'real world' again, and God is relegated to being a co-pilot. Which is so dangerous.
My favorite passage in the bible is: Jeremiah 20.9 Jeremiah was given an awful task by the Lord. He was to be a prophet, indicting Israel for their sinful and awful ways. Needless to say, Jeremiah was not a popular member of society. In this passage, he is yelling at God about being assigned this task. He's mad, but then he says something that sums up my relationship with God most of the time. The title of this message is called Jeremiah's Complaint. The line I love is, "But if I say, 'I will not remember Him [God] Or speak anymore in His name, Then in my heart it becomes like a burning fire Shut up in my bones; And I am weary of holding it in, And I cannot endure it."
I love that. There have been so many times I'd like to chuck this whole God-thing off as another fad in my life, but He won't let me. Once you see the truth, I think it's impossible to ignore. He's real, He's there, and He has something to say. If I ignore Him, I sense something is wrong. The best analogy I have is this; when you are really in love, and the passions are new, and your lover leaves on a trip. Remember that ache, where every day is a month, and you feel like you lost an arm? That's the feeling I get. Ache and down.
In another passage in Jeremiah, God is explaining (as if He has to) why He's ultimately mad about the whole Israel thing: "They (the Israelites) have turned their back to Me and not their face..." Jeremiah 32.33
Whoops. God is okay if get mad at Him, He's okay if you yell at Him (trust me on this one. I'm still here.) He is not okay if we ignore Him. What we do is; search for spiritually, go to church, tell the pollsters that we believe in Him. We keep our faces on God, but we turn our backs in search of things of this earth. I am convinced it is possible to go to church and ignore God. It's the stuff that hypocrisy is built of.
Here's the ultimate deal for those who struggle with this whole God thing. I hate the bad stuff in life, I want to know just as much as you do why bad things happen. However, at the end of the day, I know I need to take the questions and the complaints to Him, rather than blow Him off.
What's the ultimate cause for wars and death if there is no God? That life sucks and then you die. Forgive me if that doesn't sound appealing. What's the ultimate cause for wars and death if there is a God? I don't know. However, I do know that He has a plan that's much bigger than I could ever imagine. And He sacrificed His own Son. That tells me He has a plan. I would rather believe that there is a Good and Righteous being that's ultimately in control, rather that complete randomness.
Think about it...
I just graduated from college with my Bachelor's degree in Christian Ministry. There's something to be said of that statement. I went into college not knowing a thing about God, much less His Son. I came to faith, was "born-again," and celebrated by going to a bar. I wasn't actually celebrating, I didn't even know what had happened.
Nevertheless, I found myself talking to an admissions counselor at a Christian College. Found them on the internet. She asked me what degree I would be pursuing, and when I said 'Christian Ministry,' she took a moment to recover. I can only assume that she was taken aback by my cigarette-laden smell and my revealing hemlines. Regardless, I could only be quietly assured that I was meant to be there by the strange sense of peace I could feel inside of me. I must mention for credibility sake, that I talked about going back to college for seven years with my fiance, so this take was met with much apprehension.
Anyhow, the next two years were a lifesaver. Had I not been there, I don't know if I would have made it in this 'Christian journey.' I was inundated with constant support, constant focus on God, and constant focus on who I was in Christ. I was more than mildly shocked when my testimony (I didn't even know what that was) was met with love and encouragement. That was not the real world. My real world was a dog eat dog and laugh about it later mentality.
Enough of the past for now. My sole point in bringing up the ol' college days is that, now that it's over, I'm bummed. Way bummed to be truthful. It is so easy to get caught back up in the 'real world' again, and God is relegated to being a co-pilot. Which is so dangerous.
My favorite passage in the bible is: Jeremiah 20.9 Jeremiah was given an awful task by the Lord. He was to be a prophet, indicting Israel for their sinful and awful ways. Needless to say, Jeremiah was not a popular member of society. In this passage, he is yelling at God about being assigned this task. He's mad, but then he says something that sums up my relationship with God most of the time. The title of this message is called Jeremiah's Complaint. The line I love is, "But if I say, 'I will not remember Him [God] Or speak anymore in His name, Then in my heart it becomes like a burning fire Shut up in my bones; And I am weary of holding it in, And I cannot endure it."
I love that. There have been so many times I'd like to chuck this whole God-thing off as another fad in my life, but He won't let me. Once you see the truth, I think it's impossible to ignore. He's real, He's there, and He has something to say. If I ignore Him, I sense something is wrong. The best analogy I have is this; when you are really in love, and the passions are new, and your lover leaves on a trip. Remember that ache, where every day is a month, and you feel like you lost an arm? That's the feeling I get. Ache and down.
In another passage in Jeremiah, God is explaining (as if He has to) why He's ultimately mad about the whole Israel thing: "They (the Israelites) have turned their back to Me and not their face..." Jeremiah 32.33
Whoops. God is okay if get mad at Him, He's okay if you yell at Him (trust me on this one. I'm still here.) He is not okay if we ignore Him. What we do is; search for spiritually, go to church, tell the pollsters that we believe in Him. We keep our faces on God, but we turn our backs in search of things of this earth. I am convinced it is possible to go to church and ignore God. It's the stuff that hypocrisy is built of.
Here's the ultimate deal for those who struggle with this whole God thing. I hate the bad stuff in life, I want to know just as much as you do why bad things happen. However, at the end of the day, I know I need to take the questions and the complaints to Him, rather than blow Him off.
What's the ultimate cause for wars and death if there is no God? That life sucks and then you die. Forgive me if that doesn't sound appealing. What's the ultimate cause for wars and death if there is a God? I don't know. However, I do know that He has a plan that's much bigger than I could ever imagine. And He sacrificed His own Son. That tells me He has a plan. I would rather believe that there is a Good and Righteous being that's ultimately in control, rather that complete randomness.
Think about it...
Friday, August 26, 2005
This is my first post. I'm mildly excited about starting a blog. I don't know what the future will hold for these postings, but I am hopeful. I hear so much, practically inundated by what pop culture defines a 'Christian' as, but I never hear an intelligent rebuttal. Sure, I hear people like Pat Robertson, and that pastor down at Westboro Baptist, and of course they give an outstanding example of who we are. (hint-I find sarcasm to be an artform when used correctly.) However, it seems that the media and people who don't care to find out who we really are jump on the fringe representations to catagorically dismiss all of us. Just as I don't dismiss all vegans by someone who changed their name to a dotcom, I don't think we should all be dismissed because someone takes their message to an extreme.
I am not a fringe apologist. I am simply a completely corrupt sinner that has been bought and restored by Jesus. I think that Christians who are born-again need to wake up and quit sitting around idly and allowing the fringe to represent all of us. I want to see us return to the book of Acts, when the Spirit was alive and they knew it. Sunday is just another day of the week, what are you doing with the other six?
For anyone that decides to read this who is seeking, or is doubting, please keep with me. I promise that this adventure is for anyone with a pulse and who likes to think. I dislike the thought that this would be a blog by a Christian, for a Christian. This is not an 'us/them' blog. These are coherent thoughts by a woman who spent most of her life running from God, and laughing at Christians just as much as the other guy. Thing is, I found out the truth.
So please, take this journey with me, and we will see what we see.
This is my first post. I'm mildly excited about starting a blog. I don't know what the future will hold for these postings, but I am hopeful. I hear so much, practically inundated by what pop culture defines a 'Christian' as, but I never hear an intelligent rebuttal. Sure, I hear people like Pat Robertson, and that pastor down at Westboro Baptist, and of course they give an outstanding example of who we are. (hint-I find sarcasm to be an artform when used correctly.) However, it seems that the media and people who don't care to find out who we really are jump on the fringe representations to catagorically dismiss all of us. Just as I don't dismiss all vegans by someone who changed their name to a dotcom, I don't think we should all be dismissed because someone takes their message to an extreme.
I am not a fringe apologist. I am simply a completely corrupt sinner that has been bought and restored by Jesus. I think that Christians who are born-again need to wake up and quit sitting around idly and allowing the fringe to represent all of us. I want to see us return to the book of Acts, when the Spirit was alive and they knew it. Sunday is just another day of the week, what are you doing with the other six?
For anyone that decides to read this who is seeking, or is doubting, please keep with me. I promise that this adventure is for anyone with a pulse and who likes to think. I dislike the thought that this would be a blog by a Christian, for a Christian. This is not an 'us/them' blog. These are coherent thoughts by a woman who spent most of her life running from God, and laughing at Christians just as much as the other guy. Thing is, I found out the truth.
So please, take this journey with me, and we will see what we see.
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